The first SYCLD blog post

Hi everyone,

With this first blog post I’m welcoming Katharina Leuck, she will be our live reporter for the event! For those who are not making it or want to copy a story about all that is happening to use as a screensaver, she is our girl!

In this post you are stuck with me though..

It’s 1.00 hrs at night, the 18th of February and I’m wrapping up the final ‘things to do yesterday’ to be able to be heading stress free to the Netherlands tomorrow. Yeah, this event is organised from Spain, but by a Dutchie.

Organising this third edition of SYCLD has been amazing, well that’s even an understatement.. so many stoked, energetic and passionate positive people! It’s really all of you that make this event, can’t state that enough. The universe helped with not providing any surfable waves over here until today (thanks for this reward, check the picture!) so I could work every minute and many nights preparing this crazy event. And every minute is worth it. Talking to the great people who were helping with the first event (‘yeah just let’s skate indoor because of the shitty weather’) I realise that this event is a gift, somehow all the amazing longboarders of the world decided this was the place to be.. and everything just fits. Like a huge amount of all people’s good karma has been put together, every tiny thing just works out. I’ve had sleepless nights about some things that, thanks to great people, just worked out the day after.

Heartwarming how the longboard people, companies, organisations and communities line together to give all their support and sending the sweetest messages, how the great judges and host give their best and crack their minds on the best way to organise the competitions. How the people who run the venue just put in all their possibilities to make this happen.

And great every one of you really cares! It’s really OUR event, of every person attending, of every person competing, of every person training like a *******, of everyone who travels from some place in the world, of everyone who wished they had the courage to compete, of everyone who has that as a dream and those who don’t, of everyone cheering on their friends, of everyone who once have set their foot on a longboard and felt THAT feeling. The feeling of stoke, flow, carelessness, belonging, togetherness and mostly having fun! This is surely the most loving family there is! Spread the stoke, live your passion and enjoy SYCLD! Even for those who can’t make it, we know you are part of this by heart. All of you, I hope you have as much fun at the event as I had preparing, SYCLD will go through the roof! Thank you all and forgive that crazy girl running around who can’t remember names, faces, words or even the date.. that will be me.. after the event my brain capacity will go back to normal, now it’s just filled with pure excitement! See you in a couple of days!

un abrazo a todos ustedes

and much LOVE
